UN10007  Square Pan 1.5 mm Al.Alloy, Loyang Berbentuk Persegi Panjang Yang Digunakan Untuk Meletakkan Berbagai Macam Kue Sebelum Dimasukkan Ke Dalam Oven, Memiliki Lapisan Anti Lengket Sehingga Mudah Dibersihkan Dan Mudah Digunakan. Ketebalan 1.0mm Terbuat Dari Alumunium Alloy Non Stick Kualitas Tinggi Dan Kokoh Dapat Menjamin Stabilitas Produk

Model : UN10007

Merk : Unopan

Material : 1.5mm Aluminium Alloy

Dimensi : 350 x 250 x 30 mm

Surface Treatment : Golden Silicone Non-Stick


‧ Golden non-stick pan, smooth surface, easy to remove, and long lasting (can be used 1000 times)

‧ Design with high-strength high-precision aluminum alloy plate, light, fast-thermal, and durable.

‧ One-piece molding design, seamless, strong, artistic and easy to maintain.

– One-piece molding and heightening design, weldless joints, more solid and artistic. It’s the first choice for DIY home baking.

– For the first time use, wipe with oil then bake for a while.




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